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Showing posts with label process Calculation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label process Calculation. Show all posts

Material and Energy Balance Computations (Process Calculation)


Process Calculation

Material and Energy Balance Computations 

Units & Dimensions

        Dimensions & system of units, Fundamental and derived units, Unit conversion and its significance, Dimensional consistency, Dimensional Equations

Basic Chemical Calculations        

           Concepts of atomic weight, equivalent weight and mole. Composition of solids, liquids and solutions (weight percent, mole percent, molarity, normality etc.), other expressions for concentration, Average molecular weight and density, Gaseous mixtures, Ideal gas laws and its applications, Raoult’s law, Henry’s law, Amagat’s Law & Dalton’s law, Humidity and Saturation

Material Balance without Chemical Reactions

                    Introduction, Process flow sheet, solving material balance problems without chemical reactions of unit operations like Absorption and Stripping, Distillation, Extractions and Leaching, Drying, Evaporation, crystallization, Mixing/Blending, etc., Material balance of unsteady state operations, Material balance with and without recycle; Bypass and Purge streams

Material balances with Chemical reaction

                Concept of limiting and excess reactants, percentage conversion, selectivity and yield. Material balance involving reactions with special reference to fertilizers, petrochemicals, dyestuffs, electrochemical industries. Complex material balances

Energy balances

        Heat capacity of gases and gaseous mixtures, liquids & solids, Sensible heat change in liquid & gases, enthalpy changes during phase transformation, enthalpy changes accompanied by chemical reactions, standard heat of reaction, Hess’s law, dissolutions of solids, Adiabatic reactions, heat of solution by partial molar quantities

Fuel & Combustion

Types of fuels, calorific value of fuels, liquid fuels, gaseous fuel etc. Proximate and ultimate analysis, combustion calculations, Air requirement and flue gases.

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Material and Energy Balance Computations