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Ch 4 Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Networks (Weightage 34% )

Computer Aided Process Synthesis (2170507)


Ch-4 : Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Networks:

  1. Objectives, 
  2. Basic Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis (HENS), 
  3. Minimum Utility Targets, 
  4. Temperature Interval Method,
  5.  Hohmann / Lochart Composite Curves (HCC), 
  6. Grand Composite Curves (GCC), 
  7. Pinch Design Approach to Inventing a Network,
  8.  Networks for Maximum Energy Recovery, 
  9. Minimum Number of Exchangers, Stream Splitting, 
  10. Threshold and Optimum Approach Temperature, 
  11. Derivation of Network Superstructures for Minimization of Annual Costs, 
  12. Multiple Utility Design Problems

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