Computer Aided Process Synthesis
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Computer Aided Process Synthesis
Text & Reference Books:
Product and Process Design Principles:Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation
The new 4th edition of Seider’s Product and Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis and Design covers content for process design courses in the chemical engineering curriculum, showing how process design and product design are inter-linked and why studying the two is important for modern applications. A principal objective of this new edition is to describe modern strategies for the design of chemical products and processes, with an emphasis on a systematic approach. This fourth edition presents two parallel tracks: (1) product design, and (2) process design, with an emphasis on process design. Process design instructors can show easily how product designs lead to new chemical processes. Alternatively, product design can be taught in a separate course subsequent to the process design course.
Systematic Methods of Chemical Process Design
At the undergraduate level, this book is intended to be a textbook for the Senior Design Course. This text can also be used for a graduate course in Process Synthesis.
The book presents a systematic approach to design, starting from an elementary treatment that is suitable for the undergraduate level, working toward advanced topics prepared for graduate level courses. This edition provides a comprehensive and modern treatment to process design of continuous and batch processes.